Cloud ERP Sales Traps to Watch Out For

Cloud ERP Sales Traps to Watch Out For

With all the hype around Cloud ERP solutions, it is easy to get caught in some traps that sales people throw at you. We all want the newest stuff becauseit looks great, sounds great, seems to work great, etc. But like a car sales man, you have to ask yourself,...
Cloud ERP Versus On Premise ERP

Cloud ERP Versus On Premise ERP

A lot has been written about the cloud and how having your ERP system in the cloud is the best choice.  There are also a lot of folks that have been in this business for years and prefer the good old in-house installation where you can “have your...
How Time Management Affects a Cloud ERP Project

How Time Management Affects a Cloud ERP Project

THERE ARE A FEW SPECIFIC THINGS TO NOTE WHEN YOU’RE PLANNING THE AMOUNT OF TIMEREQUIRED OF YOU OR YOUR TEAM MEMBERS FOR A CLOUD ERP IMPLEMENTATION. SCHEDULE: In most cases where the consulting team is organized and well-planned, there will be an implementation...